About Us
Bearfield is a very welcoming Church family from a number of different backgrounds. We are members of the Evangelical Alliance and network with WEBNET.
Our Mission at
Bearfield Church
Our Mission
To build our relationship with and deepen our understanding of God.
To grow as Whole-Life Disciples, to share the Good News of Jesus in creative and authentic ways.
To be a community of Christians that brings about a difference in our lives and the lives of others.
We will carry out our mission as we Encounter God, are Empowered by the
Holy Spirit and Enabled through the ministry of Bearfield Church.
We believe that we have been created for a joy-filled life of deep intimacy with the
Living God, who we encounter through:
The Bible
Experiencing the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The ministry and gifts of one another
We acknowledge our need to be filled, empowered and transformed by the Holy Spirit
in order to show God’s love to the world.
We want to learn and grow in our understanding of God, seen in the life of Jesus.
We believe God has a plan for our lives, our church and our neighbourhood.
We will be enabled through:
Deepening our understanding of the Bible with contemporary and relevant biblical and spiritual teaching
Growing in confidence to share our faith through teaching, training and discipleship that inspires and excites us to share the Good News of Jesus
Helping everyone to grow towards their God-given potential
Recognising, encouraging and using our gifts
Deepening relationships with others and offering friendship and support to one another and to the local community
Treating everyone equally and fairly
Engaging with social justice and environmental concerns – locally and globally
Supporting and working with other local Christian groups.
November 2022